San Diego Property Management 92104 – North Park and surrounding neighborhoods

Fjellestad, Barrett & Short (FBS) is the San Diego property management company of choice for residential properties, rental homes, condos, townhomes and apartments for rent in North Park (92104). FBS fills more residential vacancies, collects more rent and supervises more property maintenance in 92104 than other San Diego property management companies.
Fjellestad, Barrett & Short (FBS) established its complete property management and advisory services in 1972 and has been operating rental properties throughout San Diego for independent rental owners in an exemplary manner that recognizes renters as their preferred customers as well.

The San Diego Better Business Bureau recognizes Fjellestad, Barrett & Short (FBS) as an accredited local business and has awarded FBS an A+ rating. Read a BBB reliability report on Fjellestad. Whether you are an independent rental owner needing property management in San Diego, CA 92104, a renter looking for the best rental housing alternatives within 92104 ( North Park, Burlingame and parts of Golden Hills); there is one property manager that stands out – Fjellestad, Barrett & Short (FBS).

The ZIP code 92104 is composed of several neighborhoods within and surrounding the San Diego community of North Park. North Park is situated to the northeast of Balboa Park bounded on the north by El Cajon Blvd; on the south by Juniper Street and South Park; on the east by I-805 and City Heights; and on the west by the Florida Canyon and Hillcrest. University Heights is north of El Cajon Blvd. Burlingame is a neighborhood bordered by North Park to the north and east with 30th Street as the western boundary and Golden Hills to the south. Another neighborhood of note is the Morley Field part of North Park which has a historic district lined with turn-of-the-century Craftsman Bungalows.

North Park has enjoyed a separate identity since the early 1900s. The area’s first “high rise” commercial building was built in 1912 and located on the northwest corner of 30th Street and University Avenue. This intersection eventually became the heart of North Park. Currently this vibrate community has a Farmers Market every Thursday at the parking lot located at University and 32nd. Then there is “Ray at Night” which is a gallery walk held the second Saturday of every month. There is an annual music festival and a parade every December. All of these activities encourage a high rate of pedestrian activity and patrons for an eclectic mix of restaurants, shops, bars and night clubs.

The main thoroughfares are El Cajon Blvd and University Avenue running east and west with 30th Street north and south. There is public transit throughout the ZIP code with easy access to all major freeways.

This ZIP code has higher density neighborhoods (four times the density as the county average) with 22,000 homes and condos (many of which are rentals) along with 15,800 renter-occupied apartments. The population of this ZIP code is currently close to 50,000 (71% renters). This is a young (median age 32 years) and mobile (68% single) with gender about evenly split.

Rental options abound in 92104 including: older rental properties, mid-size to large apartment communities, individual condos and single homes.

Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability (Government Code Section 65583(c)(5)).

San Diego Metro Office
6398 Del Cerro Blvd., Ste 8.
San Diego, CA 92120
(619) 286-7600