FBS RENTAL Feedback- Resident Review

April 25, 2013by melissad
Not very often do we hear when people are happy and a lot of time is spent defending ourselves on a site like Yelp….we understand it is just the nature of our business… but today we got some kind words and I thought I’d share…

I’ll explain a little of my past and you will quickly see how I need to grow and adjust to having a property manager. I am really not use to this type of business relationship, people have told me horror stories but you can’t believe everything you hear. So far, I am more than pleased with FBS and the service they have provided me.

I rented a place for 29 years. The property manager’s job was to collect the rent and evict those that didn’t pay. He would show or advertise his vacancies but once they were filled, he went back to collecting the rent. My apartment was never painted in 29 years and the carpet on the floor was 25 years old when I moved out.

Getting maintenance done was the responsibility of the owner. He was in his late 80’s and was well into enjoying his retirement. He did maintenance on his schedule, regardless of the severity of the problem.

Now I rent from FBS and this is a whole new world. I like this! I like the fact that I can call someone and the dishwasher gets fixed. I like the fact that the water heater is getting looked at and I am at work. I like the fact that I have representatives at FBS that look out for the place where I live. It’s new, exciting and a huge concern that I don’t have to be involved with.

So as you can see, you are probably going to need to have some patience with me. I’ll learn and adapt as we go. At first, I’ll probably flood you with information trying to do things right. I want to earn my respect as an outstanding tenant. I am sure you will understand and point me in the direction I need to go.

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A Four Minute Housing Summary

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Why FBS Can Add Value to Your Investment in Rental Properties

Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability (Government Code Section 65583(c)(5)).

San Diego Metro Office
6398 Del Cerro Blvd., Ste 8.
San Diego, CA 92120
(619) 286-7600