What does FBS stand for?

July 1, 2020by melissad

FBS is a company dedicated to ethics, education and effectiveness in managing rental property. We have been doing so since 1972.

We have specialized in small property management by employing experienced people, modern systems and most importantly providing quality customer service to our clients and customers. The standards in which we set for our teams, clients and customers are high but attainable.

Specifically, our teams meet these standards by adhering to a set of core values:

  • Care for each property as if it were our own.
  • Treat each resident as if he or she were our guest and,
  • Treat each dollar spent as if it were our last.

So, let’s take them one by one:

Care for each property as if it were our own. This one is easy, we make decisions for your property based on what we would do in our own homes. For example, when we write marketing descriptions, we do so as if we were writing about our childhood home and all the fond memories. Or consideration for rent ready work- would we pay that much for paint or carpet? Would we try to troubleshoot a problem over the phone to save on overtime? Yes, and we operate in that fashion every time.

Treat each resident as if they are our guest. We treat everyone the same no matter what. Each resident has a choice about who they work with and we know that. Our goal is to provide residents with a pride of ownership, until they can actually become and owner someday- should they want to! We do our best to treat residents how THEY want to be treated while still balancing the needs and financial restraints of our client.

Treat each dollar spent as if it were our last. The honest truth here is that most rental providers in San Diego are not your typical greedy landlord making millions! They are military personnel taken to another part of the country or world who want to hang on to their property for that someday return. Or the kids that just inherited their parents home and hope that someone will enjoy it as much as they did growing up! So we take this into consideration every time we send out a repair tech, painter or carpet installer. Is this necessary? Is this the best price?

Lastly, we believe in:

Ethics, Education, Industry Involvement and Community Service

We contribute to these beliefs by being an AMO, committing to monthly education seminars and encouraging continuing education designations and certificates. We are board members at all the local and state associations as well as traveling on behalf of the rental housing industry to lobby our law makers to do what is right!

Finally, we are apart of your community. By managing homes in over 65 zip codes we believe we owe it to every community to give back and contribute.

At, FBS your home matters.


Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability (Government Code Section 65583(c)(5)).

San Diego Metro Office
6398 Del Cerro Blvd., Ste 8.
San Diego, CA 92120
(619) 286-7600