Home warranty programs are not a norm. We have very few home warranty programs held by property owners.
Most Home Warranty programs are on a new purchase home and are generally a one year program. These warranties are sometime renewed for additional years but seldom.
It is extremely important for a new client to advise us if in fact they have a Home Warranty Program, as we will not know that it exists if we are not advised.
Our position on these Home Warranty programs is as follows;
1. Often they do not cover all the costs and the home owner ends up paying more than just the deductible. (the plumbing is repaired but the hole patching and paint is not)
2. Often the timeliness of service is beyond any reasonable time frame and the resident is upset and frustrated.
Often the warranty companies dispatch to any available vendor and we cannot control the quality of the work, when they show up and how they treat your residents.