By: Lucinda Lilley
First, don’t jump to conclusions! The Owner or Property Manager are probably NOT out to get you! It is possible they didn’t have information you might be able to offer……it is possible they might have information you don’t have. In either event, it is essential to initiate communication to unravel the misunderstanding! This type of communication is best started in writing.
Prepare a list of the items for which you were charged that you think are in error. After each item, write a statement about why you believe the charge to be in error. Close your written communication with a request for a response within two weeks.
When the reply arrives, take the time to read it and try to understand what is being said. If you still don’t agree, request a meeting so that discussion may be held.
If no reply arrives, you may attempt to call the Owner or Property Manager to assure they received your written concerns. If you still do not get a response, consider reaching out to your local Better Business Bureau for their mediation services.
All in all, Owners and Property Managers want to do the right thing. Give them a chance!