Make your next rental search successful!

By: Rachel Tandet – Property Supervisor Starting your rental search can be equally difficult and exciting- but more difficult when you do not have any idea what you are looking for. From experience, here are a few tips to help the process go smoothly. Plan Ahead Often, renters will wait until the last minute to...

Rental Property Reignites

By: Etta Smith, Generation Contracting & Emergency Services “The house is fully engulfed… HELP!” That was the message Lucinda Lilley, Vice President of FBS Property Management, received at 9 pm on April 28th. Imagine getting news like this not once, but twice in the same day, for the same house. For the first time...

Rent Increases and why they are necessary.

First, let’s acknowledge rental property owners and property managers are just real people who own or manage rental property and want to provide quality housing for a decent price. The stigma that labels landlords as money hungry corporations is not really fair, so let’s change that. We are housing providers, not landlords. Even corporations must...

Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability (Government Code Section 65583(c)(5)).

San Diego Metro Office
6398 Del Cerro Blvd., Ste 8.
San Diego, CA 92120
(619) 286-7600

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