Ms. Management- What do I do?

Question I was hired as the manager at this community 5 months ago. During my interview process I indicated that I had a standing commitment to a family cruise in December. The regional that hired me indicated that it should be no problem since I would take the time as unpaid leave. Well, that regional...

Question I’m an experienced manager with a high-rise that is now leased-up. I’m not sure I have ever run a property with so many dogs. I don’t want to say that my building is “going to the dogs” because we have been proud to offer a “pet-friendly” policy. I believe it was one of the...

Carol Levey, writer and creator of Ms. Management also appears as a guest blogger on Rent Sense. Her insights appear in dozens of other industry publications. Carol is perhaps most recognized at the national level as an educator and event speaker in the real estate industry. She led the original team that produced the National...

Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability (Government Code Section 65583(c)(5)).

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