By Neil Fjellestad and Chris De Marco Life is hard enough. Who needs a neighbor that comes home late and cranks up the volume on the television or stereo; has a barking dog when left alone; children that run and scream; loud parties and frequent visitors that gather for world soccer matches in the middle...

Rent Sense: Investor Types

By Neil Fjellestad and Chris De Marco Our business for the last four decades has been advising independent real estate investors, acquiring rental property with potential to fulfill their designated strategy and providing complete management to ensure that potential is realized. It continues to be our experience that real estate investors can be divided into...

Rent Sense: Renter Insurance

By Neil Fjellestad and Chris De Marco Renter insurance is an ounce of prevention that every renter should have. It is an inexpensive method to safeguard their finances and lifestyle. Renters can start with their existing auto carrier for best rates. Rental owners wonder whether renter insurance is something that they should make mandatory. We...

By Neil Fjellestad & Chris De Marco So, what happens if you lose your job, you have been living from paycheck to paycheck and rent is due on the first? You need an action plan: •    Prioritize outstanding financial payments. Your rent payments are probably your largest household disbursement. •    Failure to meet this obligation...

By Neil Fjellestad and Chris De Marco What defines appropriate behavior as housing providers or property owners? Usually their property was their home before it was their rental and they have emotional attachment. There is a feeling of entitlement that accompanies their ownership attitude. We need to emphasize that though it is their property it...

Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability (Government Code Section 65583(c)(5)).

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San Diego, CA 92120
(619) 286-7600

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