Pets or No Pets, the big question!

July 12, 2018by melissad0

Pets or No Pets, the big question!

Property Owners need to understand that 75% of the population has a pet, so by implementing a no pet policy limits your potential exposure to many potential residents.

But they will cause more damage, well yes they sometimes cause damages, but in our history of events we identified a couple of very key and important facts as to why.

1. Screening is paramount. With good screening, we are looking for references on the animals as well as the resident. If we get any derogatory information pertaining to the pet, the applicant will be denied.

2. An additional deposit is required. We require an additional $500.00 pet deposit, in addition to the security deposit for each animal. (some variances may apply) Sometimes Pet rent even is appropriate.

3. The residents should sign an addendum to the lease outlining their responsibility of pet ownership, with included the cost to de-flea, carpet cleaning and deodorizing. The signed agreement puts them on notice that we are very through with our inspections and we will be doing urine testing to determine any hidden damages.

4. Limiting of certain breeds. Most insurance carriers have already exempted certain breed, such as Pit Bulls and Rottweiler’s. We do not allow these breeds.

So the answer in our opinion is yes to pets if you want your property exposed to the largest potential renting pool.

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