Connecting in a world that is Communicating

August 13, 2020by melissad0

By: Lucinda Lilley

FBS Property, AMO

Property Management is a demanding career.  In our day, we juggle many tasks, make many decisions, and communicate with many people:  owners of property, residents, suppliers.  Sometimes our communication is successful…..sometimes it is not.  I wonder why?

Communication is defined as “the imparting or exchanging of information or news.”  Wow.  That sounds dry.  But I suppose if your intent is simply to spew data hoping that it will stick, that definition will work.

What if you want to do something different?  What if you want to use communication to make a difference:

  1. To hear rather than just talk
  2. Exchange ideas rather than try to be right
  3. CONNECT with others for the purpose of working toward common goals.

In our world today, success is becoming increasingly dependent on collaboration.  To collaborate, we must learn to connect with people.  All of our knowledge,  skills,  and talent, won’t help us become the true leaders we are unless we know how to connect with others.  It doesn’t matter who you are – Leasing Agent, Administrative Assistant, Property Manager, Maintenance Tech, Regional Vice President- you can improve your results by improving your ability to connect and influence people in an ethical way.

Even with all the AI, we still need people.  It is impossible to be totally self sufficient at this time in our lives.  We need to be able to communicate and connect with people to accomplish the goal at hand – whether immediate or long term.

What is the goal of the leasing call? 

To make an appointment.  How do you do that?  By connecting with the caller to learn of their wants and needs.  Invite the caller to share your enthusiasm in helping them find their next home.  You want to create a relationship that ultimately will serve in their choosing YOU.  By connecting with the caller to lead them – to influence them.

What is the goal of the visit from the irate resident? 

To calm them down!  No, but seriously, what is the goal?  The goal is to listen to understand what has happened to upset the visitor.  It is not to simply put up defenses and make excuses for whatever is troubling the customer.  We want to connect in such a way that he or she knows that they can trust you, that you care about them, and that you can help them.  By connecting with the visitor, you lead and influence them to aid you in the resolution of the matter.

What is the goal of the Employee Improvement Plan? 

To connect with the employee in an effort to lead and influence and assist them in their self awareness and growth. As you can see it is not a time to TELL, rather than to ask the right questions.  The answer is within each of us.  You want to take the time to help another determine their goals and growth is all about connection through communication.

Communication within our organizations is vital to success – personal and company.  The internal communication among teams says a lot about the company.  If poor communication persists, a the teams become unfocused and uncentered.  With no transparency and clearly communicated goals,  employees feel disenfranchised and  uncertain of the purpose of the organization.  Some successful tools to prevent this from happening are to assure a strong onboarding process, check in with team members in the organization frequently, discuss the vision of the company openly and often, listen to concerns, complaints, and praises of our teams with the intent to hear and learn and exchange ideas.

As Dr. John C. Maxwell discusses in his book, “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect”, he relates that great communicators take the time and expend the energy to connect with their audiences – whether it be an audience of one or of thousands.  They realize that connecting is all about others and work hard to connect on common ground. Great communication and connection is an opportunity to inspire others.  And in our world, can’t we all use a little inspiration?

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