Boomer to Zoomer- Social Media

November 18, 2021by melissad0

Want to be a boomer to zoomer when it comes to marketing your rental property? Not sure where to start? Social media offers the opportunity to engage in meaningful social and professional connections. A February 2021 poll states that about 45% of adults 65+ use at least one form of social media to stay in touch with family, community, and communicate more effectively with potential customers. That’s right, social media is a great way to connect with customers

It’s no surprise that maintaining relationships and engaging with others is an important factor in all that we do. Those relationships also come in handy when we have something to offer. Your rental property could be just what someone else needs but didn’t know where to find it.

There are many different platforms out there like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Let’s start with Facebook

As of 2021 Facebook has a total of 2.8 billion active users (meaning their account is active) and about 1.4 billion people visit the site daily. Facebook’s userbase continues to grow by 10% annually. But how can you use this vast network to your advantage?

Social media provides a valuable opportunity to engage with more people through liking, sharing, and commenting on posts. You can even stimulate the economy from the comfort of your couch. Facebook offers tools like Marketplace, where you can post your available rental. Your post can then be re-shared with people who may know someone or have a family member moving to town and needing a place to live. As an added benefit you can even offer live video tours for prospective residents using the messenger feature.

Next up, lets chat about Instagram

This app allows you to share and send photos or videos of your everyday life to show friends and family, but what if you used it to market your property? Like Facebook, Instagram allows you to direct message and video chat through their app, another easy way to offer live video tours to potential renters.

Many users may find they enjoy Instagram more as almost 71% of the population between ages 18-30 use Instagram. Users may find this app to be simpler, you can just create an account, follow your friends and family, and watch their lives unfold right in front of you. Instagram offers a bit more for creative input as well. Its users can create 30 second videos and post them for the entire platform to view. You should definitely be posting videos and going live at your property. Be silly, have fun with it!


Think of LinkedIn as a mesh between a digital resume and Facebook. This platform allows its users to upload photos, statuses, bios, education, past employment, extra curricular, and even internships to their profile.  LinkedIn is great for marketing rentals. It will allow you to target people who are typically looking to hire or be hired. Those people will need somewhere to live, potentially in your location.

In a nutshell, leasing your rental home can be made easier when you use the tools around you and your connections in the world… so get to posting!

Sources – baby-boomers-and-social-media


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