Military Termination Clause

February 3, 2022by melissad0

San Diego is a proud military town.

We are home to one of the largest concentrations of military personnel nationwide. There are more than 100,000 active-duty service members in San Diego.  These active-duty service members are split roughly between the Navy and the Marine Corps.

san diego

The largest installations are:

    • Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
    • Marine Corps Base and Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton
    • Naval Base Point Loma, Coronado and San Diego

So naturally, we often have residents who are military and receive orders to move. Not a problem! We are here to help you transition.

In your lease look for a section called Military Early Lease Termination. This allows the resident to terminate or break their lease early. This is allowed without the same penalties a nonmilitary resident would face.

When you are or become a member of the Armed Forces of the United States and receive:

  • Orders for a permanent change of station; or
  • Orders to deploy for a period of at least 90 days.

You can essentially break your lease early.

How does it work:

You must give us written notice of termination.  The new termination date must be at least 30 days after the first date on which the next rental payment is due. (For example, if you served the notice on September 15th, your tenancy would terminate on October 31.)

You must also provide proof to establish you qualify for the military exception. Proof may consist of any official military orders, or any notification, certification, or verification from the service member’s commanding officer regarding the service member’s current or future military duty status.  Military permission for base housing does not typically constitute a permanent change-of-station order.

When in doubt always check your lease first. Then call your housing provider and ask. We are happy to help explain the process.

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San Diego, CA 92120
(619) 286-7600